Content portfolio - written copy
I love creating content of all types and about all topics. I have experience in creating written, audio and video content for a range of organisations. Writing is perhaps my personal favourite, probably as a result of a lifelong love of books and theatre.
I have been writing content for websites, press releases, email campaigns, internal reports, adverts and more since my first marketing role. I have picked out a small number of projects that I'm particularly proud of below, to give an indication of the range of content I can develop.
NHS National Services Scotland
Communications Strategy
Content type: strategy
Purpose: define communications goals and actions, support organisational strategic objectives
Audience: internal
NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) is one of Scotland's national health boards. It provides a range of services which enable front-line healthcare to be successful, for example IT, procurement, blood donation, payroll and COVID-19 testing.
NSS had a corporate strategy, but was struggling to translate this into external communication goals, while balancing the ongoing pressure for improvements in staff engagement.
I created the organisation's first Communications Strategy in many years, and led a transformation programme within the Marketing and Communications service to enable the strategy's aims to be more effectively delivered.
Marketing Strategy, Messaging Framework and starter content
Content type: strategy and content
Purpose: increase sales
Audience: external B2B and B2C
Scoffable is a small technology business. It had never had a marketing function before and I was asked to map out a marketing plan to drive significant revenue increases. In addition to creating a robust marketing strategy and messaging framework to effectively position the business against its competition, I also provided a range of written content in the form of press releases, blog posts and social media.
This resulted in Scoffable's first press coverage as a result of a proactive press release, a shift change in social media output and performance (one post I created resulted in more clicks through to website than in the whole of the previous year) and a new authentic, human tone for the organisation.
NHS National Services Scotland
Annual Report and Accounts
I saw the opportunity to turn a relatively dry financial document into a reputation-enhancing opportunity for NSS. I wrote much of the copy for the Annual Report, supported by my team who gathered content from stakeholders across the organisation. I also oversaw the design, which was also produced in my team.
Content type: corporate report
Purpose: boost reputation
Audience: government and sector stakeholders
Case studies
Bloxx was a Scottish web filtering company, which was later bought by Akamai Technologies.
I wrote a large number of case studies to use as sales materials in this role, as well as creating press releases and website copy.
Unfortunately when Bloxx was bought, the resources I created disappeared from the web, but some are still viewable via the Wayback Machine.
Content type: online and printable content
Purpose: increase sales, enhance credibility
Audience: external B2B
NHS National Services Scotland
News announcements
I wrote a number of press releases, press statements, and internal news announcements in my time at NSS. Having come out of a time of intense media scrutiny through the pandemic, I wanted to create content around good news stories which also helped to boost the organisation's reputation.
My favourite of these was announcing the award of an MBE to a colleague, who had been central to the UK Government's COVID-19 testing activity in Scotland. I interviewed the recipient, Janis Heaney MBE, and created a press release and internal news announcement following the award.
Content type: press releases and web content
Purpose: enhance credibility
Audience: journalists
Consultancy business
How to guides, sector commentary and book reviews
Content type: blog
Purpose: enhance credibility, increase sales
Audience: external prospects
I have run my own freelance consultancy business for a number of years. I recently relaunched my website, with a focus on content marketing. This means providing helpful content to prospective clients to build trust and credibility, with the aim of generating business.
NHS National Services Scotland
Internal incident review
Content type: corporate report
Purpose: ensure transparency, address criticism, develop improvements
Audience: internal stakeholders, government stakeholders, journalists
The bulk of my work focuses on building reputation, through high quality marketing content. For this project however, I was asked to undertake an internal review of an adverse incident relating to web content in a separate area of NSS. This was a high profile issue relating to gender reform, with a significant amount of media interest.
The review report is in the public domain, and I include it here to show the breadth of my writing experience. I also supported the media engagement on this incident, as well as helping to develop the FOI response.